Backend Web Development - JavaScript, React and MogoDB

Embark on an exciting exploration of modern web technologies with our comprehensive Backend Web Development Course. This course is designed for developers looking to master the art of building dynamic, responsive, and scalable web applications using JavaScript, React, and MongoDB.

In this course, you will dive deep into the world of full-stack web development, combining the power of JavaScript on both the front and back ends. From creating interactive user interfaces with React to designing robust server-side applications with Node.js and Express, you’ll learn the skills needed to develop cutting-edge web applications.

Course Fee ₦100,000

Course Duration

2 Month [Twice a week]


1 Year + lifetime community access

Career Support

Lifetime Access


A Laptop

  • Create reusable React components for building interactive user interfaces.
  • Manage state, props, and lifecycle methods for dynamic data rendering.
  • Utilize React Hooks for functional component-based development.
  • Develop backend servers using Node.js for handling server-side operations.
  • Build RESTful APIs with Express to facilitate data communication.
  • Integrate middleware for request handling, routing, and error management.
  • Understand NoSQL principles and MongoDB fundamentals for flexible data storage.
  • Design database schemas and models for efficient data organization.
  • Perform CRUD operations with Mongoose to interact with MongoDB databases.
  • Architect backend systems that scale seamlessly with increasing user demands.
  • Optimize database queries and operations for improved application performance.
  • Utilize popular React component libraries such as Material-UI or Bootstrap.
  • Implement UI frameworks for responsive and visually appealing web applications.
  • Apply acquired skills to develop full-fledged, functional web applications.
  • Showcase proficiency in backend development through project-based assignments.
Module 1: Introduction to Modern Backend Development
  • React.js Fundamentals

    • Creating React Components: Class Components and Functional Components
    • Managing State and Props for Dynamic UI Rendering
    • Introduction to React Hooks: useState, useEffect, useContext
  • Setting Up Node.js and Express Servers

    • Installing Node.js and NPM (Node Package Manager)
    • Building a Basic Express Server: Routing, Middleware, Error Handling
    • Integrating Express with React: Setting Up a Development Environment

Module 2: Building Dynamic UIs with React
  • Component-Based Development

    • Reusable Component Patterns: Presentational and Container Components
    • Using Props and State to Manage Component Data
    • React Component Lifecycle Methods: componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate
  • State Management with Redux

    • Introduction to Redux: Actions, Reducers, and the Store
    • Implementing Redux for Global State Management in React Applications
    • Connecting React Components to the Redux Store: mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps

Module 3: Server-Side Development with Node.js and Express
  • Creating RESTful APIs with Express

    • Designing RESTful Routes for CRUD Operations
    • Handling Authentication and Authorization Middleware
    • Implementing Error Handling and Validation in Express Applications
  • Database Integration with MongoDB

    • Introduction to MongoDB and NoSQL Databases
    • Setting Up MongoDB Atlas for Cloud-Based Database Management
    • CRUD Operations with Mongoose: Models, Schemas, Queries

Module 4: User Authentication and Authorization
  • Implementing JWT Authentication
    • Understanding JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for Secure Authentication
    • Creating Token-Based Authentication Systems in Express
    • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Authorization and Permissions

Module 5: Real-Time Communication with WebSocket
  • Introduction to WebSocket Protocol
    • Setting Up WebSocket Servers with Socket.IO
    • Building Real-Time Chat Applications with Socket.IO
    • Implementing Live Updates and Notifications in Web Applications

Module 6: Testing and Debugging Strategies
  • Unit Testing with Jest and Enzyme
    • Writing Unit Tests for React Components and Redux Actions
    • Mocking Dependencies and Asynchronous Code with Jest
    • Debugging Node.js and Express Applications with Chrome DevTools

Module 7: Advanced Topics in Backend Development
  • Optimizing Backend Performance

    • Indexing and Query Optimization in MongoDB
    • Caching Strategies for Improved Application Speed
    • Scaling Backend Systems: Load Balancing and Vertical Scaling
  • Microservices Architecture with Node.js

    • Introduction to Microservices: Benefits and Challenges
    • Building Microservices with Express and Communicating via APIs
    • Containerization with Docker: Packaging and Deploying Microservices

Module 8: Project-Based Learning and Final Projects
  • Final Project: Full-Stack Web Application

    • Create a Full-Stack Web Application from Scratch using the MERN Stack
    • Showcase Proficiency in Backend Development, Database Integration, and Frontend Interactivity

The Ace Experience

The #AceFactor

Comprehensive Curriculum

Our programs blend theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience, ensuring you're equipped with practical skills demanded by the industry.

Cutting-Edge Training

Stay ahead of the curve with our up-to-date curriculum, designed to meet global standards and the latest technological advancements.


A certificate will be award at the completion of your training program

Expert Faculty

Learn from industry professionals with over a decade of experience, gaining insights and mentorship from the best in the field.

Personalized Mentorship

Our one-year mentorship program provides exclusive access to industry leaders, guiding you towards success in your creative career.


Join a vibrant community of over 1000 creative and tech professionals. Benefit from networking opportunities, industry insights, and job placement assistance.


Success Stories

Olukayode Solanke Certified IT Professional

The professionalism exhibited in the delivery and organization of the UI\UX course i attended at ACE Academy reflects positively on the expertise of the instructor and the organization at large.

Chioma Katherine Design & Brand Specialist

What I really love about Ace creative Academy is that they have a very nice and conducive environment for learning, I was opportune to enjoy a year of free mentorship process after I concluded my training which paved way for my business

Shodipe Opeyemi Graphic Design

Joining Ace Academy transformed my trajectory entirely. Their thorough curriculum and practical teaching style equipped me with the abilities and self-assurance to thrive in design.

Awwal Kareem 2020 & 22' Class

Attending the Ace Creative Academy was a game-changer for me. The supportive and encouraging people around me made all the difference in my journey to learn graphic design.